If you don't know me, you can read my Fiverr story here. Alright so lets come to the main topic. Following are the things that you should MUST avoid when bidding on buyers requests.
1) Bidding all at Once
As you know we can bid on 10 requests in a day. So don't just login and use all of your bids in a single go. Instead, bid on requests in different periods. Such as bidding in the morning, evening and at night etc.2) Copy Pasted Bids
Never copy paste the same bid's descriptions. Instead, write a unique and relevant bid description for every buyer request. This will make you stand out of the crowd; the buyer will know that you are serious about the work.3) Bidding Very High
There are always other people who bid on the same request. They are your competitors. In order to beat the competition, you must not bid very high. Bid low instead, you can re-negotiate the price after talking to the client later. But always bid low in the first place.4) Not Reading the Buyers Request
I have been a buyer too and have hired many people on Fiverr. One thing I have noticed is that majority of the sellers don't even read the buyer request. They just waste their and buyer's time. So if you just fully read the buyer request and bid accordingly, you will already have an edge over your competitors.Just follow above 4 tips and I am sure you will start getting more sales from buyers requests section.
8 Fiverr Tips from the Top Rated Sellers
Also, feel free to ask if you need any help regarding Fiverr.
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